Travel on a tight budget


When traveling on a tight budget... please research your options that would best suite your pocket.

Alternatively, contact us on our contact form and we could give you some tips or tricks when you plan your next holiday or vacation.

We always do our research on our vacation destination thoroughly, before we actually get to that destination. My sister booked an overseas holiday through a travel agent, and she was so shocked when we actually pointed out that she did not have the required flights or the correct booking information for her visa application. Thank goodness she showed us her documentation, and her flight plan, showing only a single flight out of Johannesburg airport to Italy. We noticed that her connecting flights were not booked and we had to inform her to quickly book flights out of the departure airport.

My sister was very excited to be going on her first overseas trip. We told her that we could help with research and help her to book her own vacation. She told us that everything was covered and all will be done by a travel agent.  So, we would like to recommend that if you do your own bookings or even if you use a travel agent, please to double and triple check your documentation, flights, visa and hotel bookings.  Leave enough time available in between your connecting flights. I booked our vacation trip to Rome with my wife doing most of the research on a very tight budget. We got a very nice hotel close to the tram / subway station.

Start your planning and research well in advance, so that you can avoid any misunderstandings or incorrect bookings.  

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